Working in harmony with nature is one of our core values at Russell Smith Farms. We believe that farming can and should be undertaken responsibly and sustainably and it doesn’t need to be at the cost of nature and wildlife.

We are a member of many different wildlife initiatives, such as FWAG (Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group), LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) and the Soil Association, and we are signed up to both the Government’s entry-level and higher-level environmental stewardship schemes.
We monitor the levels of wildlife on the farm annually. Grey Partridge, Bull Finch, Corn Bunting, Green Woodpecker and Lapwing, to name but a few, have all increased significantly over the past few years.

An increasing area of the farm is managed for the benefit of wildlife. Areas managed include grass margins, beetle banks, overwintered stubbles, wild birdseed mixes and pollen and nectar mixtures. We also have a number of skylark plots around the farm. Hedgerows are also managed very carefully and are trimmed every 2-3 years within a management plan. They are essential corridors along which wildlife can travel and they provide essential food and shelter for many species.
Our dedication to wildlife and conservation has won us many awards, of particular note we were recently a finalist in the prestigious Silver Lapwing Award for conservation. Find out more here